August 2018

Beekeeping Experiences

Bizzaro Queen Search – Aug 18th

Ran out this morning and bought a replacement queen for the “Bees Rules” hive. Very carefully went through every frame multiple times to find the queen(s). Only found one nicely plump queen with all of her bits and pieces in place (on the 23rd frame I checked). Caught her in a clip and went through […]

Bee Hive Decisions

Sustainability Planning

One of the current problems that bee keepers are having relates to low hive survival rates, particularly over the Winter.  A lot of hobbyist bee keepers just accept the losses and buy replacement bees in the Spring.  I think I need a more sustainable approach. I would prefer to just have one single beehive.  Unfortunately,

Bee Hive Decisions, Beekeeping Experiences

Busy Summer Bees

Need to catch up here a bit.  Had a bit of excitement this summer.  I tried to replace the queen in my “Bees Rules” hive.  The process had gone so smoothly in the Tardis hive that I actually thought I knew what I was doing.  Wrong!  Went into the “Bees Rules” hive a week after

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