Bee Hive Decisions

Bee Hive Decisions, Beekeeping Experiences

Quiet Prep

Wow,  Nearly February. I have one of my traps located, but not baited yet.  I did get my beehive stand located and have set up two (unoccupied) hives on it.  Getting frames set up with foundation and waiting for April.  Spending lots of time reading forums on the internet and watching interesting videos on YouTube.

Bee Hive Decisions

November – getting ready for Spring

Overkill! It is Thanksgiving and I have most of my beehive woodwork mostly ready.  My plan is to put out a single hive early in Spring.  Looking at this shot you might wonder why I have so many boxes for just one hive… The far left stack is a couple of 8 frame deeps that

Bee Hive Decisions

Getting Started

Starting on the left foot So I was struck by the insane notion that I might enjoy keeping honeybees.  After a couple of evenings of research, I decided that I could plunk down a small hive in my side garden, buy (or trap) some bees, and be rewarded with some honey in the fall. Along

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